Jaypaw of WC

Name: Jaypaw was named by their mother because of their blue pelt and dark blue eyes.

Gender: Jaypaw was told they were a tom when they were born and went with it until their parents disappeared they started slowly questioning their gender and told everyone their were non-binary but it still not sure if that is right for them or not.

Sexuality: Jaypaw is pretty sure they are into she-cats but will soon find out they're aromatic asexual.

Age: 6 moons, mentally: 10

Clan: Windclan



Positive traits:  

Clever - A quick learner - Passionate

Neutral traits: 

Clam - Quiet - Timid 

Negative traits: 

Easily scared - Distrusting- Self-critical


Appearance:  Jaypaw is a blue (blue-gray) cat with deep, dark blue eyes. They're rather small, even for their age and more lean them most other apprentices.  They have a darker stripe of blue that goes from their forehead, down their back and fades out into their slim tail. Their fur is very short and sleek with no tufts anywhere.



Windclan: "What do you mean? They're my clan, I love them"

Riverclan: "I... I don't know..."

Thunderclan: "Uhm... I'd like to know how it's in the forest"

Shadowclan: "They.... scare me...."



fighting - 15/100% (They're young but have had some training)
hunting - 25/100%  (They're young but have had some training)
agility - 85/100% 
swimming - 10/100% (They can survive in water but nothing more)
climbing - 10/100% (They could do it to escape a twoleg but hasn't practices it)
herbal knowledge - 10/100% (They have basic knowledge of cobwebs and sticks etc.)

leadership - 10/100% (they're to shy)
patience - 90/100% 

social - 50/100% (they're very shy but are pretty good at empathize with others and is a vert good listener)
intelligence - 75/100%
empathy - 85/100% 

manners - 80/100% (Nice but talks very little)
optimism - 50/100% (They are always a little hopeful about everything but has been let down a lot)


Fighting stile: Quickly moving around and hopefully confusion their opponent


Love-language: Aro :p



He was abandoned in his nest as a 4 moon old kit when his parents and only brother left in the middle of the night and since he didn't need milk he was adopted until he was 5 by a friendly tom named Mothflight.


Opinions on others [Name (and role) - Jay's thoughts on them - owner of OC]


Peachfrost (med-cat)- "She's kind and a great medicine-cat... but she is a bit scary..." - Rockfall

Twilightstar (leader)- "Seems nice... she's a good leader at the very least" - MoonRaven

Mothflight (adopted father)- "He's nice..." North


Stormfeather (father)- "Why did he leave...." NPC

Sootdapple (mother)- "She left me..." NPC


Dawnstar (ShC leader)- "That monster..." Undertaker



Before birth: Storm and Soot joined Windclan around the same time and quickly grew close and bonded over the fact that they were both former outsiders and once they became warriors, Stormfeather and Sootdapple it wasn't long before they got together and after a while Sootdapple got two kits, Jaykit, named after his blue fur and Onyxkit, named after his black spots. Most cats would be overjoyed but the kits, but not Sootdapple and Stormfeather, the two cats had never wanted kits and the cats who had complained that they didn't deserve to live in Windclan had kept quiet was long as they were good hunters but now when Sootdapple had to stay in the nursery and Stormfeather took care of her they started to mutter again...

Kithod: He was abandoned in his nest as a 4 moon old kit when his parents left in the middle of the night and he has wage memories of his mother whispering something in his ear before walking out of the nursery, he thought then that she was simply going to make dirt or a short night-walk but the next morning both she, his father and his Onyxkit, his brother were gone. They often have dreams of their mother whispering them the words but they can never make out what it is. Jaykit realized that he didn't really feel like a tom and started going by the pronounce they, them, but wasn't yet sure if that was fitting. They told Mothflight, a big, fluffy tom cat that had taken Jaykit under his wing a while after their parents left, first.

Apprenticeship: Jaypaw was apprentices to a friendly cat named Speckledcloud who they were a little shy around them at first but got soon used to the kind cat. Jaypaw's first training was a fighting lesson, something they were very scared about but it went ok and Jaypaw came up with their own move that they named "the hare-hop" since you were supposed to charge forward at your opponent, aim for their shoulder, leap to attack but at the last second slam your hind paws into the ground and so move to the other side and attack there before jumping back to avoid your opponents attack. 


Jaypaw has recently become an apprentice and is question if he is a tom or not but hasn't shared his struggles with anyone and still goes by they/them.



Fighting lesson nr. 1

Hunting lesson nr. 1


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