Lark... wing...

- Still in progress -

Name: She was named Lark by her mother because of her brown and white pelt and green eyes, she was just as everyone in her family named after a bird. She gained the suffix "wing" after joining ThC

Gender: Lark has identifies as she, her and was born female. She has questioned her identity in the past but dissuaded to stay as she, her.

Sexuality: Bi-romantic asexual

Clan: Thunderclan


Positive traits:  

Clever - Good at reading others

Neutral traits: 

Cunning - A bit manipulative - Quiet

Negative traits: 




fighting - 70/100% 
hunting - 85/100% 
agility - 90/100% 
swimming - 5/100% 
climbing - 70/100% 
herbal knowledge - 0/100% 

leadership - 50/100%
patience - 70/100% 

social - 50/100% 

intelligence - 90/100%
empathy - 40/100% 

manners - 90/100%
optimism - 50/100% 



Fighting stile: Psyching out her opponent and finding their weak point, then lean everything in there


Love-language: Having someone to watch your back 




Lark was born into a rouge family together with her two siblings, Sparrow a rather cold she-cat that looked a lot like Lark but her fur was darker and instead of the white that Lark had she had dark stripes on her back, and Eagle, a large a, light golden-brown tom with yellow eyes. Her parents, Finch, her father a sleek dusky brown tom with amber eyes and Falcon, her mother a large, white and brown she cat with light green eyes, named all their kits after birds, just like them.


Opinions on others [Name (and role) - Jay's thoughts on them - owner of OC]







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